Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cards and Cameras and Shutterfly, Oh MY!

It is time again to think about holiday cards. H is older now, and won't just sit still and smile happily for a camera. He is everywhere, and into everything. It will take planning, and likely multiple tries to get him to do something that is worth sending out, but we will try.

This year, I have three top ideas for cards that we will try

1. Sweater, jeans and a candy cane. Self explanatory
2. Plaid Pants and Christmas Lights - - with supervision of course!
3. Christmas jammies. Nothing like some cute jammers to bring some holiday cheer.

I am so excited to order our Shutterfly photo books. Last year I made a one year book for Hudson, and I am excited to continue this tradition. While at times there are cheaper options, I haven't found any other site with more options. They also offer discounts all.the.time! As we did last year, I will also do a calendar through shutterfly. I love looking through the months and seeing how H has changed and grown.

I am thinking the "Naughty or Nice" card pictured here:

May be ABSOLUTELY perfect for Hudson, Right?

Or, Perhaps this one:
There are so many options to choose from. And now I have to decide whether I want it to sweet or cute, funny or sentimental. I have plenty of options to choose from, but I know it has to include pictures of our favorite guy. If you are starting your holiday cards, I recommend wholeheartedly checking out the options for photo cards HERE at Shutterfly. Photo cards, thank yous, calendars, mugs, and books. Pretty much every gift option for grandparents, and treasured reminders of our amazing kid and how he has grown.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I fed you yogurt on the floor

And other fine examples of my talents.

Today, I start a new blog, with the intention of keeping a record of all the funny, silly, cute and crazy things that make up my day to day life as a mom to H. In a year, I have cried, laughed and creatively survived being a parent.

So, about us:

First, the star of Hudson Road, H. Born August 2009. Justin Bieber hair, dashingly good looks with the personality of his momma. Rock star eyes. Roaring good kid. Pictures to come.

And me, T. Momma to H. Talker, writer, laugher, singer, counselor, friend. Married to C, engineer extraordinaire. Dogparent to Buttercup, a lovable cuddly roly poly pug.

And back to the story:
Teething is a funny thing. When H is teething, food is a battle. He wants nothing more than to eat ice, which, while satisfying, is a trip to the e.r. waiting to happen. So last night I sat on the floor, enticing my child with ice and some yobaby, while he crawled over to me with his fuzzi-bunz booty, happily eating yogurt on the kitchen floor. Mother of the year here folks. Or not, but it is moments like these I hope to not lose.